The Childhood

I was blessed to grow up in a modest home with parents who always made an effort to celebrate the holidays and embrace the changing seasons. My passions come from a warm and happy place of nostalgia and traditions carried with me since my early years.

Simple things like the little candy conversation hearts or picking out Valentines for my classmates around Valentine’s Day brought about a simple childhood joy. I also have great memories of waking up excited to see what the Easter bunny brought me each spring. We weren’t a family that could afford to take lavish summer vacations every year, but my two hardworking parents saved their pennies and blessed us with a few very memorable summer vacations throughout our childhood.

When fall arrived, I loved the anticipation of going back to school. I remember how exciting it was to get the school supply list, learn what teacher I had and find out if my best friends and I would be in the same class. I also looked forward to October when we’d decorate a fudgy chocolate cake with candy corn, pumpkins and ghosts for my birthday and dress up to go tick-or-treating on Halloween.

 I have fond memories of a belly full of delicious Thanksgiving food each November and the day after Thanksgiving was a holiday in and of itself. We ignored the black Friday shopping and instead, Dad and I would hang the stockings and put up Christmas lights out front.

 As I look back fondly on these joyous memories, this foundation was a sort of springboard to create new traditions along the way and appreciate how changing seasons bring a sense of renewal. I find myself needing to bring with me the good things of the past, but also forge forward into the future with a sense of newness and freshness that encourages a spring of hope to rise up within!

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Meet Angela

Welcome friends! I’m Angela Harris. Come on in and feel the joy a fresh new season brings.  Surround yourself with the tastes, beauty and experiences of the season and its holidays. Afterall, these are a few of my favorite things! Whether it’s gluten free recipes, decorating your spaces or adventuring out, always let the season give you a reason to smile.