This Thanksgiving decoration is the perfect way to express gratitude this season with the ones you love.

Let’s take a look at a Thanksgiving decoration with purpose! Sometimes it feels like we go straight from Halloween to Christmas and I say: “Hey, do what makes you happy!” BUT, what about Thanksgiving? Let’s give Thanksgiving the attention it deserves this year by taking a moment to recognize what you are thankful for. So come with me and I’ll tell you about a gratitude bucket is, why you’ll love it, how to make one, and more!
What is a Gratitude Bucket?
Did you know that reflecting on what you are thankful for improves your overall sense of wellbeing? Well, that’s the purpose of a gratitude bucket, which is simply a place for you and loved ones to write down what you are thankful for. For us, it’s also a fun and festive Thanksgiving decoration too!
Why You’ll Love this Thanksgiving Decoration
- Gratitude and Thankfulness is proven to lift one’s mood.
- You can make this decorative piece fit with fall, Christmas, or everyday home décor.
- It’s a fun project to do as an individual, with your kids, your spouse, or Thanksgiving guests.
- You may already have much of what you need for this Thanksgiving decoration at home.

How to Make this Thanksgiving Decoration
1. Choose How Long You’d Like to Engage in this Activity.
We like to do the gratitude bucket for the entire month of November and try to add something about once per day.
Another option is to have it out for the week of Thanksgiving. Include out-of-town guests when they arrive.
If you’re only having guests Thanksgiving day, have everyone add a few things when they arrive.
Also, if you’re unable to be with your loved ones this year, consider teaming up with family or friends from afar. Then get on the phone or Facetime Thanksgiving day and read what you’ve come up with.
2. Gather Supplies for this Fun Thanksgiving Decoration
There are endless possibilities for how to set up a gratitude bucket. I use fall/Thanksgiving paper and decorations but use Christmas or any other décor that will match your space. Let’s take a closer look at my example for inspiration.
In this example, I’ve used the following:
A Tray – This is used as a base for the decoration.
Sheets of Paper – I chose a variety of paper in fall and Thanksgiving colors and patterns. Some paper is used to line the base of the tray and some is used for writing what you’re thankful for.
Faux Berry Stems – Gold metallic stems that match the rest of the decoration are used in this example, but any fall leaves, Christmas flowers or other stems can be used to match your creation.

An Ice Bucket – I chose this pretty silver ice bucket, but any jar or container that you like can be used.
Pens – Fun gold and silver metallic pens are what I chose, but there are endless pen colors and styles to choose from.
Fall Decorations – These are used as paperweights as well as aesthetic. I used a cute little fall sign and a faux pumpkin. Real pumpkins, turkey decorations, or Christmas candles are other options (just don’t light your candle, obviously, or find a battery operated candle).
3. Set up the Gratitude Bucket
The first thing I did was line the bottom of the tray with some of the pretty paper.
Next, I added my bucket in the center of the tray.
Then, I cut the other sheets of paper into 3-inch squares and stacked them on the tray on either side of the bucket.
Next, I added the fall decorations on top of the 3-inch pieces of paper, using them as decorative paper weights.
Then, I placed the faux stems in front of the bucket.
Lastly, I placed the pens inside of the bucket.
Now it’s ready to use. It’s that easy!
4. How to Use the Gratitude Bucket
To use this decoration, everyone writes down what they are thankful on the 3-inch pieces of paper regularly for your chosen amount of time. Have everyone fold them in half and place them in the bucket. You can have everyone write their name on the paper if there are more than two people doing the activity. Then, when Thanksgiving arrives, you can read them aloud. If you have shy family members, you can always leave the names off and do it anonymously.

Where to Display this Thanksgiving Decoration
There are many places to display this Thanksgiving decoration. Place it in a convenient location for everyone to access it. Here are a few ideas:
- As a Centerpiece on a Dining Table
- On a Coffee Table
- On a Console Table
- On a Shelf
- On a Kitchen Island or Countertop
- On a Ottoman
What to be Thankful for – 30+ Ideas
If you’ve been feeling down or you’re just drawing a blank on what to be thankful for, here are some ideas. There is always something to be thankful for!
- Your Spouse
- Your Children
- Your Extended Family
- Your Friends
- Your Pet/s
- God
- The Breath in Your Lungs
- Your Home
- Food to Eat
- Others who Help You
- Your Church or Place of Worship
- A Favorite Book
- Your Job/Income
- A Game You Love to Play
- Your Hobby
- Quality Time with Your Favorite Person

17. Your Health
18. A Vacation
19. Plants You Love
20. Your Favorite Movie
21. The Weather
22. A Therapist
23. Healthcare
24. Your Faith
25. Memories of Time Spent with Those Who’ve Passed
26. A Good Night’s Sleep
27. The Five Senses
28. A Vehicle to Drive
29. Favorite Show
30. A Helpful Medication
31. The Clothes on Your Back
On a final note, consider making gratitude a regular part of your life through journaling or prayer/meditation. Being mindful and spending a few minutes doing so each day can actually change your life for the better. Sometimes we tend to notice and dwell on the bad things that happen in our day, but the practice of gratitude helps us rewire our brains to think more positively. I’ve often started my day praying for peace and joy, then I intentionally look for it, recognize it and thank God for the gifts. I feel like my days are always better when I partake in this practice and am striving to be better at doing it every day! Philippians 4:8
Thank you for coming along to make this Thanksgiving decoration! How will you decorate your gratitude bucket or what are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments below!

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